Schools we have worked with...

  • Burwash
  • Etchingham
  • Netherfield
  • Crowhurst
  • Ark Castledown
  • Ark Littleridge
  • Westfield
  • St Mary Magdalene
  • Rye Community Primary

Tenterden Gymnastics

Tenterden Gymnastics Booking

To book your free trial, email us at

Tenterden Gymnastics Club<br />
We provide recreational gymnastics classes for both girls and boys.

During these sessions gymnasts will benefit from the following:

  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Strength and Stamina
  • Co-ordination
  • Spatial Awareness

Our coaching priority is to focus on individuals as everyone is different. We may then find the best solution for each individual to learn new skills and be able to move onto the next level.

*Here at Boom Active gymnastics, we want to give every child the opportunity to discover how FUN Gymnastics is and to develop their skills in a safe and happy environment whilst making friends along the way.
We are a very friendly, proud club here at Boom Active and we like to feel part of the community. Our qualified Coaches are hand-picked to ensure the very best coaching.
Tenterden Gymnastics

Terms and Conditions

1. Payments

After the first term and if you are continuing there is a £20 membership fee which includes end of term certificates. All invoices will be sent out during the second half of each term, terms are as follows:

  • Term 1 September – December
  • Term 2 January – March
  • Term 3 April – July

Fees are due for the full term, in advance before the start of each new term. We do not except weekly payments. Classes are currently set at £6.50 per class for 9am – 9.45am and £7.50 per class for the 9.45am – 10.45am.   

When your child first attends, we are happy for them to wear a leotard/bodice and shorts or something comfortable such as leggings, t shirt or shorts. 

Once you have become a member, we would like all gymnasts to be in a club uniform, girls’ black leotard and boy’s black bodice and shorts.. These can be purchased from the shops listed here or your own choice.

1.2 All fees are to be paid not later than one week before the term starts.

1.3 Any late fees will be subject to a £10 surcharge that will be billed to you.

1.4 Current members have priority for class spaces before any remaining spaces are released to the general public so it is most Important invoices are paid on time.

1.4 Half a terms notice to leave in writing is required for all invoiced classes.

1.6 The details of payments are below – Via our online booking system in line with love admin and will be on your invoice.

1.7 If you wish to pay by cash, this can be handed in at the first lesson of each term. You must please advise us this is happening the week before the term starts.

1.8 Please note that there will be No refunds on your cancellation or non-attendance of the class.

1.9 Please note as we are operating out of a leisure centre, situations may arise outside of our control whereby we have to cancel classes. We will endeavour to try and give you as much notice as possible and fees will be debited from the fees for the following term.

1.10 Please be aware any classes cancelled due to adverse weather conditions will not be refunded.

2. Safety

2.1 Please keep all contact details up to date and let us know of anyone other than yourselves if they are collecting your child from Gym.

2.2 Any accidents are always recorded in the accident book and a coach will see you at the end of the lesson.

2.3 All our staff are DBS Checked as well as first Aid trained.

2.4 Any concerns about safeguarding or Welfare inside or outside the club, please report to Laila Dent

2.4 Any complaints inside or outside the club, please report to Laila Dent

2.5 Safety & Welfare
We will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care for all of its members, coaches and officials.

We will do this by :

  1. Equipment kept in good condition with regular checks by our senior coach.
  2. Equipment set up safely and checked regularly during sessions.
  3. Providing the correct qualified coach with the correct pupil ratio.
  4. Working to lesson plans / following badge schemes.
  5. Risk assessments in place and up to date.
  6. Club rules are in place and reinforced.
  7. Ensuring that all of our staff are suitably trained and that all staff are aware of Child modern safeguarding, and have studied the relevant policies / practice.
  8. Ensuring that any skills that are taught are safely and progressively done. Children are only allowed to try moves they are ready and able to learn.
  9. To give opportunities for talented children to develop in our squads and teams which are by invitation only.
  10. Ensuring a qualified first aider and first aid kits are present at the club sessions.
  11. Ensuring any accidents or incidents are reported and followed through the correct channels.

3. Photography

3.1 There will be no unauthorised photography and videoing during training and events.

Social Media Guidelines

You will find Boom Active on Facebook and Instagram. Whilst there are many positive advantages of the use of these social networks, in the interest to adhering to our codes of conducts and to ensure the protection of our gymnasts we must treat the misuse of social media seriously. Anyone found misusing social media will be dealt with immediately in the appropriate manner. In order to prevent misuse please take note of the following guidelines :

  1. Do be yourself, but remember everyone can see you
  2. Do share your experience and achievements but be responsible and honest
  3. Do not talk negatively about other competitors, coaches, clubs, countries or teams
  4. Do not forget who may be reading your profile, posts and comments
  5. Do not use derogatory or bad language
  6. Do not give out personal information; only make friends with people you know
  7. Do not link, view or add inappropriate content
  8. Remember pictures may be seen by everyone
  9. Think before you post, it is almost impossible to delete posts completely from the internet!

Club Rules

Here at boom active gymnastics our first priority is to produce a safe and happy environment for our Gymnasts to train in.


  1. Always listen to your coach and act upon instructions given to you at all times.
  2. Come to training ready in gym kit.
    Girls = leotard, leggings/shorts with your hair securely tied back (club uniform will be introduced after your child’s first term)
    Boys = shorts and t shirts (club uniform will be introduced after your child’s first term)
  3. No jewellery of any kind.
  4. You do not use any apparatus without permission from your coach first.
  5. Please be respectful / supportive and kind to others.
  6. Please visit the toilet before you come into class, use only your bubble toilet please.
  7. No mobile phones / iPad are permitted in the gym.
  8. Have Fun!!


All bookings, payments and enquiries must come to Boom Active and not via Tenterden Leisure Centre or Freedom Leisure. We only hire the facilities from them.

  1. Please ensure your child arrives 10 Minutes before the class starts. If your child arrives after the start time, they will not be able to participate due to missing the crucial warm up, therefore increasing the risk of injury.
  2. Please make sure you arrive on time to collect your child.
  3. Please make sure your children are in their proper kits and have their hair securely tied back.
  4. Please make sure your child visits the toilet before each lesson.
  5. Please keep us informed of any changes regarding your contact details etc.
  6. Please provide your child with a labelled water bottle.
  7. No outdoor shoes or food are allowed in the gym.
  8. Socks should not be worn, for medical reasons ‘only’ nonslip socks permitted.
  9. Parents are not allowed in the gym to view classes unless invited by the coach for watch weeks.
  10. Please do not approach any coaches while they are teaching in the gym. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us in advance via email or speaking to a coach at the end of the session, once all other children have been collected.
  11. Your child only needs to bring their water bottles we do not take any responsibility for any loss or damage to any valuables.
  12. For any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Schools we have worked with...

  • Burwash
  • Etchingham
  • Netherfield
  • Crowhurst
  • Ark Castledown
  • Ark Littleridge
  • Westfield
  • St Mary Magdalene
  • Rye Community Primary